Unicert Greece
Phone No: (+30) 210 38 01 129 - 130, 210 38 28 000

Universal Kids

Universal Certification Solutions – UNICERT programme is specially designed to introduce children aged 6-12 years old to the basic principles of Information Technology. It represents an invaluable tool for the instructor as well as a smooth introduction to the examination - certification process, which will accompany children throughout their school life.

UNIVERSAL KIDS programme consists of 3 sets of books for learning and practicing, which cater to 3 year-long or semester-long (intensive) courses. Experiential scenarios are used to educate the child through the development of stories that follow one another and in an environment with intimate events from his or her school.

The programme addresses children aged 6-12 years old for the purpose of familiarizing them with computers in an appealing and effective way, as well as education centers wishing to integrate an educational programme for this age group in their educational services.