Unicert Greece
Phone No: (+30) 210 38 01 129 - 130, 210 38 28 000

In the frame of the KA2 ERASMUS+ project SEnDIng-“Sector Skills Alliance for the design and delivery of innovative VET programs to data science and Internet of things professionals” (Grant Agreement number 2017-3184/001-001), UNICERT hosted the 3rd project meeting in its premises in Athens, Greece the 4th and 5th July 2019. In the meeting participated 18 representatives of the partners coming from Greece, Cyprus, Bulgaria and Ireland.


During the first day, the discussion was focused on the project progress until its first half and the Work Packages of the project: the training material (WP3), the certification prerequisites and the certification methodology (WP4), the dissemination and exploitation of the project (WP7) and finally the online courses, the vocational training schedule as well as the call for the participation in the trainings. The second day was focused on the horizontal activities of the project for project management and financial issues and the monitoring of the training as well as the assessment of the trainees.


Learn more about the SenDing project: http://sending-project.eu/index.php/el/

Follow the project on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/The-Sending-project-212315929321941/


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