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SEnDIng is the acronym of a 3 year project coordinated by University of Patras (Greece) and co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union, under Key Action 2 “Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices - Sector Skills Alliances”. It started on 1st December 2017 and will end on 30th November 2020. Its full title is Sector Skills Alliance for the design and delivery of innovative VET programs to data science and Internet of things professionals.

The Sector Skills Alliance for the design and delivery of innovative VET programmes to Data Science and Internet of Things professionals (SEnDIng) project aims to address the skills’ gap of Data Scientists and Internet of Things professionals and provide them with knowledge, skills and competences that meet the labor market needs. To achieve this goal, SEnDIng will develop and deliver to the two aforementioned occupational profiles two learning outcome-oriented modular VET programmes using innovative teaching and training delivery methodologies. Each VET program will be provided according to the blended learning model incorporating a strong work based learning component. Furthermore, a common reference scheme of competences, skills, knowledge and proficiency levels needed by Data Science and Internet of Things professionals will be designed in accordance with European frameworks (European eCompetence Framework and ESCO), together with a certification scheme following the ECVET framework, to ensure that the produced results will be transferable and recognized among European countries.

The SEnDIng alliance brings together twelve partners coming from Greece (University of Patras, Greek Computer Society, Olympic Training and Consulting, Yodiwo, Mixanografiki, Unicert), Bulgaria (Bulgarian Association of Software Companies-BASSCOM, European Software Institute - Center Eastern Europe, Code Runners, Nemetschek), Cyprus (University of Cyprus) and Ireland (Universal Learning Systems) with different profile, expertise and culture (higher education institutes, VET providers, IT associations, SMEs and a certification body) that share a common vision: to provide the European labor market with high qualified Data Science and Internet of Things professionals.

For more info please visit: http://sending-project.eu/index.php/en/

SENDING - 591848-EPP-1-2017-1-EL-EPPKA2-SSA

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