Unicert Greece
Phone No: (+30) 210 38 01 129 - 130, 210 38 28 000

Unicert Advanced

Universal Certification Solutions – UNICERT Certificate of Advanced IT Knowledge and Skills is an additional powerful asset in every employee’s CV or for anyone seeking employment both in the private and the public sector, as well as a valuable tool for the university student, the school student and the professional who wishes to gain an insight and better command in using the tools of new technology applications.

The level of knowledge and skills demonstrated by UNICERT ADVANCED certificate comprises advanced features of Microsoft Office applications that boost productivity.

It is addressed to those who wish to include in their CV a certificate that gives them a valuable asset in today's labor arena, to executives of companies and enterprises whose administrators have set standards of advanced knowledge and skill requirements and to those who wish to demonstrate their high level skills in MS Office suite.

Quality Policy

Certification Scheme Regulation

Certification Information- Examination material